Friday, January 24, 2014

Stonehedge Blue Busy Wondering and Researching

The hallways and classrooms have been filled lately with curious students and parent volunteers as the K-2 grades work on their Winter "Wonder"land research projects. 

Students have been wondering and researching everything from penguins to the Olympics, the human heart to different types of rocks, cheetahs, lions, and much more!

Over the next two weeks, students will be focusing on their presentations. Students and teachers have many interesting and unique ideas of how they would like to represent their learning. It's all very exciting!

As a reminder, students will deliver oral presentations to their classmates and projects will be on display as we celebrate learning on the evening of Wednesday, February 12 from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Families will be invited to view the finished products in a format similar to that of a science fair.  

Our Winter “Wonder”land promises to be an exciting experience for all involved. Please mark your calendar for this evening event as students celebrate their learning.

The pictures below capture a few great moments during research. 

REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, January 31. It is a professional development day for staff.

Stonehedge Blue teachers are collecting paper towel and toilet tissue tubes as well as old newspapers for use in projects. If you have any of these items, please send them in with your child. 

Winter weather is here, please make sure that your child has appropriate clothing. Students not only walk to and from the bus, but also play outside for recess. We want to make sure they stay warm!

Second and Third Grade Families Enjoy Game Night
I would like to thank all the families who attended Family Game Night last night. Mr. Suddaby and I enjoyed watching students win and then scan the book table for just the right book to take home. Thank you to all the parent and teacher volunteers and to our PTA for selecting and purchasing such an awesome array of books for our prizes. The gym was filled--impressive for such a cold night!

Stay warm and enjoy the weekend!